Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well, it's morming here. We're about to head out for our day's businesses (bank, post office, grocery, bowling, etc).

Howdy Team,

Wow. Conference was stunning. Awakening, really. I truly loved each talk.. of every one of the five sessions we enjoyed. If you missed a session, it's time to repent and hearken to the voice of the prophets. I actually had that thought it one of the talks.. it went like this, "For how much I am learning this conference, I sure wish I had hearkened to the prophets earlier in life. It's time to repent.[for not giving conference my all in the past]" In fact I had many thoughts pass into my head as I listened intently to the prophets and tried to listen to the still, small utterances of the Holy Ghost. Fifteen pages of thoughts! I won't send them all, but later today I may send my thoughts on a few talks. Right now, there are three talks I would like to mention.

Dieter F Uchtdorf - Of Regrets and Resolutions. Almost the entire duration of this talk I heard my dad holler as I would leave home, "Remember who you are, and what you stand for!!!" I have spoken multiple times about that in church meetings, zone conferences, etc. Remember who you are. Move forward with faith. I imagine I will touch on that subject in the future.

Henry B. Eyring - Where is the Pavillion?. Wow. I think the one line sums it up: Our certain reunion with Him at the judgment bar will be more pleasing if we first do the things that make Him as familiar to us as we are to Him. Isn't that something. It actually goes right in line with another theme of my life right now, one that Elder Holland spoke on.

Jeffrey R. Holland - The First Great Commandment. I have listened to this talk at least six times in the last week. It is incredible. But again, it illustrates the doctrine of loving Christ as He loves us. Right in line with President Eyring's, "make Him as familiar to us as we are to Him."

I said three talks above^^, but I meant four.

Boyd K. Packer - The Atonement. Words cannot describe the tugs at my heart as this dear apostle spoke. I love the hymn "Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy". He brought it to life. He LIVED that hymn. The doctrine of the Atonement taught was clear and true. Then he read the words to "Does the Journey Seem Long?". Then the choir sang and that brother solo'd the hymn. That was powerful. I thought in awe at the great journey President Packer has made through his life. Again, he seems to literally personify the hymn, and gives a great lower light for us to look to.

There were many themes I like in conference. They were for me, in answer to a personal question I brought. I asked, "what do I need to change to be a more effective missionary?" What did you ask? Were your questions answered as you tuned in to the Spirit this [last] weekend? Are you applying what you learned? I sure am. There is great security that comes when we follow the prophet and men called by God to lead us today. Great peace attends.

For updates on people we're teaching.. have you met the Obrado family yet? I don't think I've been able to take pictures. They've found the light again; they are making the journey. I don't think I can do justice to the faith of Sister and the willingness of brother to act. They live in poverty. That sentence doesn't quite capture the condition... and you know, I won't try. This I have learned from them: There are no excuses. They have endured with cheerful countenances, can not we?

Shane wrote me in a pouch mail, "I feel like I'm repetitive when I say this, but it's true. I'm so happy!" And how happy I am! I raise my voice with you, brother, in joy! This joy comes only from living the Gospel of our Savior. Believing in Him can only be when we follow Him. For what man believeth that food will fill him, yet starves for fulfillment in times of abundance? We must partake of His gospel to be filled with His joy.


Elder Trevor Todd Brown

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