Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The World is Awaking

the world is awaking!

i loved that song in conference. the philippines love it too, but MoTab has a special sound and feel when they sing.

Elder De Young's batch is here in the mission home.. they head out for manila and to their respective homes tomorrow morning. It sufficeth me to say that.. well that's just weird. They're the last batch I'll watch go home from the office.. then it's our batch. Interesting how that works. The day breaks, the sun sets, and time continues. We've got a good amount of days remaining, and much to be done.

Coolest thing that happened this week was probably Saturday evening. We had just finished up our office work and were about to leave when president asked to come with us (full account in journal). Teaching with him was so great! 

<time break>

President just called me into his office.. that's was rad. I'm learning so much.. all to be written in the special part of my journal. Anyways, read the journals, I was diligent this week on writing. 

The Gospel is true. The promises are real. I know it, and I live it. Love,
That family from last week.. yes! they did come! They were the family President came with us to teach, and we gave them a vision of re-entering the temple. That was enough hope and excitement to get the mother and one daughter to have courage and come to church. We will visit them again tomorrow. 


Elder Trevor Todd Brown

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