Monday, June 4, 2012

Calapan MIndoro Island

Transfer to Mindoro

Mother! I am great. I'm in Calapan, Mindoro. This is the other island in the mission, and they've got me driving the other mission truck.

That's pretty awesome. My new companion!  Well I wrote a bit in the journal and group email. He's a really really good cook. He is a good, good elder. Humble. we talk lots. I'm enjoying it so far (: the branch here is pretty strong, there are two young men preparing their mission papers right now, that will be  cool to help them get to the field. It was just as hard as i expected to leave my area, but it was good to have lots to think about right when I got here. new people to teach, new leaders to work with, and a new zone to lead. Love you lots! Thank you for everything (: